Monday, August 3, 2015

The Cap Spider

I have been tying for about a solid year now and out of all of the jigs / flies that I have tied, I believe that this is my favorite.  I have caught many a fish on this fly, at times I've caught fish with it when I honestly didn't think I would catch anything.  It is called the "Cap Spider" and it is really small.  The original pattern calls for a 124 oz jig hook.  The photo below shows this particular one tied with olive chenille with brown/yellow round rubber legs. 

#flytying #crappiejigs #crazyangler #bluegill #capspider #belahbugs #flyfishing #GrayWolfFlyShop #louisiana #peakvise

I actually heard about this fly pattern from a guy at the local fly fishing club, I joined the Kisatchie Fly Fishers earlier in the year and have only attended 2 events due to my work schedule.  The only thing that I remember this guy telling me was that there was an old video on the Internet and called the Cap Spider.  When I saw the video, I thought, wow, this is easy.    

Recently, I've been tying the Cap Spider on a Matzuo Red Sickle Hook 1/100 oz instead of the 1/124 oz. These are the sharpest hooks I have used and although they are just a little lighter, I am still catching fish, so far, I have caught Blue Gill Bream, Crappie, and few catfish.

Fly Tying

Another hobby that I believe I like more than any other hobby I've had thus far....Fly Tying.  Who would have thought that I would do this for a hobby but it goes with fishing.  Here are some of flies/jigs that I have tied over the past year.  I tend to tie more crappie jigs than anything else.

#flytying #crappiejigs #fishing

Monday, July 6, 2015

Our Opinions by Bro Eddie Thompson; from his Daily Bread 07/16/2013

Another post from one of Bro Eddie's many Daily Bread's, the Daily Bread's were emails that he sent out each day.

Our Opinions by Eddie Thompson
7/16/2013 7:31:02 AM

Opinions are important, at least, if to nobody else, the purveyor of said opinion. When many of us are of the same opinion, said opinion seems as solid as a truism. When most of us have the same opinion, said opinion is the "gospel truth!" Of course, nothing has really changed at all. Simply more of us agree about something is all. Opinions are still just opinions. Some people like southern country gospel music; some people like contemporary rock gospel music; others prefer only the old classics from the church hymnal. Is there a right or wrong when it comes to our opinions, our preferences, and our tastes? Holiness doesn't come with a particular style, taste, or opinion. Turning the lights down low for a song service doesn't create holiness. For that matter, neither does leaving them brightly lit. Holiness comes from the heart of those gathered in the sanctuary. Holiness isn't produced by a certain tastes for music. Those tastes are associated with the flesh and the flesh has nothing holy in it. Holiness comes from a heart of praise. I recently listened to a Christian music concert where some of the songs presented may not have been accepted by some people. One young man presented a "rap" he had written to God. It wasn't the angry man, growling, in your face type of rap. Just a talk between a child of God and His Heavenly Father. Still, I have heard some opinions about the whole "rap" thing from Bible studies and services I have been involved with. Some people go as far as to say that there is no way it could be of God. True, the rap genre isn't pleasing to my tastes so much, but what that young man did was anointed and touched me spiritually. Perhaps I was able to receive because it just so happened I had noticed this young man and others from the band praying earlier. I had observed them and had seen with my own eyes their passion for serving God and taking the gospel to communities around this world. I had a chance to interact enough to see the young man had a heart for God. He was my brother in Christ. It was his heart for God, his passion for his Heavenly Father, his desire to share his testimony, that made that moment holy and acceptable unto the Lord. My opinion about rap music truly meant very little in that moment. I believe we need to remember to maintain our capacity for separating our opinions from God's reality. I certainly don't want to miss a holy move of God because I am convinced that God's opinion is always mine. 

Dissension by Bro Eddie Thompson; from his daily bread 02/15/2007

As long as there is dissension in a church, the enemy can disrupt any progress that is made. In fact, I've watched the enemy sit back and allow some perceived progress take place, bide his time until it seems there is about to be a breakthrough, then let some root of bitterness or some unresolved issue explode suddenly to shut down any move of God that a congregation was experiencing. The tragedy is that many will keep shoving the problem aside in the hopes that it will all just go away: And it never does. It's an arrow in the quiver of the enemy. It's an army of potential opposition, hidden within a Trojan horse right inside the camp, waiting for an inconvenient moment. We need to forgive. We need to repent of sin. We need to set things right with our brother/sister. We need to remember to pray. We need to be obedient in all things. Then we need to boldly go forth in the Name of our Champion: Jesus Christ!

The Argument Against Gay Marriage

"The Argument Against Gay Marriage" was written by my dearly departed friend and pastor, Bro Eddie Thompson, I could not believe that I found this and some of his other works.  I understand that it is a "hot" topic right now and odd that I found it when I did.

Last edited: Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Posted: Wednesday, February 18, 2004

We are bombarded by questions pouring from television commentators, gay activists, politicians, and liberal-minded publications: Don’t gay and lesbians deserve equal rights under the law? Why should we care what happens between consenting adults? If it doesn’t take anything away from others, why not allow for gay marriages? For some reason we never hear answers from those who conclude that homosexual unions should not be given the sacred stamp of marriage. Many are ambivalent or fashionably tolerant for fear of being labeled “ultra-conservative.” Let me attempt to answer those questions.

First, gay and lesbians already possess rights equally protected under the law. They have the exact rights that I have today. They can marry a member of the opposite sex if they so choose, just like I have done. I can't marry a member of my own sex, even if I wanted to. So, we have the exact same rights. What is being suggested by the gay agenda is not "equal rights" but "extra rights." They want to be allowed to reap the benefits of marriage without actually marrying in its traditional sense. There are many wonderful people who choose to remain single for myriad reasons, and these people are not clamoring for the rights granted to couples who marry. Why should those who refuse traditional marriage be granted such rights simply because they prefer sex with someone whose anatomy resembles their own? In fact, most of the so-called “rights” married couples have can be obtained through a lawyer’s legal maneuvers. What if they achieve this marital status? Does anyone really believe that it will stop there? Any heterosexual buddies could take the opportunity to garner for themselves incentives and privileges intended to support the traditional family structure by which our society survives.  Make no mistake; there is a deeper agenda at work here, even if all gay and lesbians are not aware of it.

Secondly, consenting adults can do many things, but there are some actions restricted even to consenting adults. Concerning marriage, we conclude as a society that incest is harmful and thus refuse to allow family members to intermarry. Also, we conclude that polygamy is harmful and restrict Mormons and Muslims from marrying more than one consenting adult at a time. We have age requirements on marriages as well. There are reasons we place restrictions on marriage. Homosexuals have never received marital status in the history of mankind until recently. There is a reason for that. It is not productive to continue to shred the fabric of our society. The burden of proof for changing history’s traditional marriage should fall upon the supporters of the homosexual agenda. I have heard of no compelling reasons that suggest homosexual marriages are necessary to the well-being of our society.

Finally, the agenda pushed by the gay lobby encourages behavior deemed unacceptable by every major religion, by the vast majority of our society, and by nature’s evolutionary track itself. They already have the right to participate in aberrant behavior, but that isn’t enough. They want us to validate something we consider wicked. Where are the defenders of the law who claimed Alabama’s Chief Justice Roy Moore must be fired for defying the law through civil disobedience when he placed a monument to the Ten Commandments in the courthouse? Where is the uproar for the firing of San Francisco’s Mayor Gavin Newsom for defying the law by granting marriage certificates to homosexual couples? There won’t be one. The double standard against Christianity in the public square will be ignored by most, but we should not succumb to those who mock our faith. If homosexuals win this issue politically, the victory will be hollow for them and harmful to our society. The truth of the matter is marriage is a sacred union ordained by God, and nothing man does can ever really change that.

(The current debate, spawned by President Obama's support of gay marriagse, continues to miss the point: We all have equal rights already. The gay lobby desires "extra" rights that will open the door for many unintended consequences within our society at large. To equate gay marriage with "civil rights" is an insult to a people who were discriminated against on every single level of their lives for centuries in this country. Gay couples need to seek validation outside the realm of religion, which has historically spoken on this issue. Civil unions are already available, affording gay couples rights of which honest heterosexuals don't avail themselves. The burden of proof concerning why we should change our society to accomodate gay marriages falls upon the homosexual community. Until now, there is no compelling proof our society would benefit.)

Morality and Spirituality

When challenged on my morality and spirituality, I lean on the Word of God, even if there all those who scoff at it.

Hebrews 10:26-31
If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay," and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

My friend overseas posted this on his Facebook wall and I thought it was fitting. How we over here in the US think of ourselves and our faith (primary Christian), we rarely think of how others deal with their faith and the trials that they must endure. This is something that I have spoken of several times during our Men's Ministry Meetings, I have spent a small amount of time overseas and have several people that I consider to be a friend but of another faith. As with all religions, there are good and there are bad "representatives" of the faith. Don't let the "bad" sway your view of what you believe in.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

What is Freemasonry?

What is Freemasonry?
Probably the finest definition ever devised for Freemasonry is: "It is a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols".
It's not a religion or a political party, it's a fraternity of men meeting together on a common level, to share ideas and views that they have in common.   The saying is "we take good men and make them better".   Now myself, being a Freemason and also a proud member of Michael Dempsey Masonic Lodge # 327, F&AM, I believe this to be true.  This is something that I really enjoy being a part of.   I think it is a great organization.  There a lot of good charity work through it's various branches of Freemasonry.  There are the Shriner's, Scottish Rite, York Rite, OES, and a few others.  All of which help raise and donate money to those less fortunate.  In the state of Louisiana, our main charitable organization is the dyslexia foundation.  Other Masonic charities are Shriner's Hospitals, Dentistry for the Handicapped, Scottish Rite Learning Centers, Scottish Rite Children's Medical Center, Hospital Visitation, The Museum of Our National Heritage, George Washington Masonic National Memorial Scholarships.  The fraternity is very patriotic, the Pledge of Allegiance is said at every meeting.  Prayer is all ways done at the opening and closing of every meeting. 
The Bible used is a very large, very old King James Version of the Bible and it is right in the middle of the lodge.  Is it a church then you wonder, no, I go to a church and a great church it is.  Krishae calls it a boys club, something to do that gets me out of the house.  I have read a lot of the Internet stuff out there, it will blow you away, how bad it is.  I have yet to see anything bad.  The only God I prayed to is the God of the Bible, as I do everyday of my life.    I have not seen not one thing that was bad.  I have not seen the blood oaths.  I have not rode the goat or sacrificed a goat.  I haven't seen any dark figures with hoods hiding in the shadows.  I told Krishae and my family this, if at any point I thought that there was something bad or evil in this organization, I wouldn't be apart of it, then I would quit it, simple enough huh.  But it's so secretive, so what, when you go to college, you do the same thing.  When I was a boy, we had a secret club.  There is not really anything secretive about it, except the password, handshake, and the way you stand.  If you wanted it bad enough you more than likely could find out what it is.  Most of the people that I know who are apart of this are good people, of good moral character, and who have firm religious beliefs.  Some are Sunday School Teachers, Deacons, Dentist, Mechanics, Doctors, Lawyers, Police Officers, Oilfield Workers, Politicians, but most are just regular ordinary people, who live normal lives.  Now you may think, hey, I know a guy who was a Mason and he did this bad thing......really, you have bad apples in every batch.  Just as you have bad people in politics, government, schools (no get me started on that, maybe another blog), and yes, believe it or not, churches.  You can't be perfect, there was only one perfect person, you are human and all we can do is try to be better than the sum of our parts.  People make mistakes.
What do I like about it?  Well, besides the charity work.  I enjoy lodge  because in my personal view, it is just good clean fun.  It's fun for me to go and visit with the guys, find out what is going on with them, and local events.  In Jena, there is a lot going on.  Some of you may have seen it on the news.  I just enjoy going to the lodge on Monday evenings.  There are only 2 meetings a month, a meeting every other week, so I miss most of them, but I try to go to the one that occurs while I am home.  This is good for me, mainly, because it is close to home.  I would not want to do something that is going to take me far from home, I am gone enough as it is, if Krishae needed me, I could be home pretty quick.  I love my wife and my kids, I do not want to do anything that is going to take me too far away from them, if at all possible.  Since, I am not one to go out and party at the bars, nor do I hunt or fish, I would much rather stay at home and do things around our house, my shop, ride the four wheeler, or just watch a movie.     The extra activity does not consume all of my days.
I took Kassie and Cole's with me to the lodge one day when they were small and to see the look in their eyes when they went inside the lodge with me for the first time.  Kassie thought it was really cool to see the portrait of George Washington hanging on the wall and the American Flag, you will see that in every lodge in the United States.  Of course and the first place Cole went was to sit in Master's chair, that chair is so big that a 7 foot tall person could sit in it, he looked small in that huge chair, but he picked up the gavel and said "one day I'm gonna sit here" in his little country voice, then I said "But not before me".

The 1 Gallon Pickled Egg Recipe

A good friend gave this to me and if done right, it is some of the best pickled eggs you can make.

1.  Boil Eggs (2 ½ dozen)

2. Cool Eggs

3. Peel Eggs

4. Put eggs in glass jar, run jar through dish washer first

5. Salt, three table spoons

6. Black Pepper, two table spoons

7. Garlic Powder, 3 TBS

8. Tony’s, 5 TBS

9. Cayenne Pepper, 3TBS

10. Three JalapeƱo Peppers

11.  ½ bottle Italian Dressing

12. 3 bay leaves

13. 4 Cups Vinegar

14. 1 Onion Sliced

15. Water to cover eggs.

Let sit three weeks in the fridge.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

1st Attempt at Growing Tomatoes

Last month, I had the idea of trying to grow tomatoes, something that I have never done before, my Mom is the one who is the gardener in the family.  My wife and I were at the local Wal-Mart and saw the small little pod kits in the gardening section.  There was 12 of these pods in one kit and I picked up 1 package of tomato seeds.  The instructions were pretty clear, so before I left to go back offshore, I seeded them as the instructions stated, then I threw the rest of the seeds in the yard.   I really didn't think this would do anything but I was surprised when my wife emailed photo's of the plants.

These were sprouted at about 12 days, sitting in my kitchen.

The instructions that I cut from the package
I told Krishae to continue to water them as the instructions stated, hoping they would make it until I got home and she did a really good job of it, so much so that she had to remove the lid because they were getting tall.  These photos were at 19 days.

After I got home, I picked up a few small pots to transplant these into and used some Miracle Grow Potting Mix.

Now, out of the 12 pods, only 9 of them actually grew and those are the ones on the left.  The ones on the right are from the seeds that I threw in the yard.  The drain line from my air handler drains into the yard and imagine my surprise to see them growing and better than the ones we started in the house.

Years ago, my Daddy had taken some 55 gallon drums and cut them in half, he had them behind their house.  My kids and him had planted tomatoes in them and when I was looking for something to put these in, my Mom told me that they were still out at her house.

My son and I went to pick them up, we stopped at Wal-Mart, picked up more Potting Mix and some more top soil.  We mixed it up and transplanted these tomato's to the drums.  These drums already had holes drilled in the bottom of them for drainage.

I also took a few pieces of PVC pipe, drilled a few holes near the bottom and put them firmly in the ground.  My thinking on this was that as I filled them up with water, the water would get straight to the roots.

Another thing that I did on this drum is that I took a 5 gallon bucket, drilled a few holes in the bottom and the sides, put in the mix and soil.  Now when I fill it up with water, it slowly drains to feed the roots.  

Linux Ubuntu

Here is another one of my many hobbies, repairing computers, especially older ones, just basic stuff though, I am by no means an expert.  I discovered the Linux Operating System about 5 or 6 years ago and at that time I had only heard of Microsoft Windows or Apple's Mac OSX, of course Windows being the most popular.  Within the world of Linux, there are many different distributions or Distros as they are sometimes called, for example, there is the most popular one that is called Ubuntu​; some of the other ones are Fedora (Red Hat), Mint, OpenSUSE, Debian, Arch Linux, Tiny Linux, and one even called Puppy Linux.  Some of these Operating System's such as Tiny Linux or Puppy Linux are less than 512MB in size, so if you have an older PC that doesn't quite have the power to run the new Operating System's that require a lot of power, something like this is your best bet, and the most important thing that I like about these OS's is that it is all free to download.  Also, most people aren't aware of this but Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently developed by Google. So, everyone with a Samsung or LG google smart phone in essence, is using a form of the Linux OS.

It has been nice to take an old desktop computer, wipe the Windows off of it and install a Linux based OS like Ubuntu.  You can get many more years out of the computer by doing this, and save money in the long run.  I recently acquired 2 old desktop computers at a garage sale and paid only $5 for each one.  I powered them up to see what is going on with them and they were just slow, really slow, running the old Windows Vista on them.  One good thing about the Linux Distributions is that when you download the OS file you can burn it to an ISO image on a DVD disc and you have created a bootable disc similar to the disc that you get when you purchase a new computer, you have to power up the computer and enter the BIOS and change the boot sequence to enable the machine to boot from the DVD tray so that when you put the disc in, it will try to boot from the DVD 1st and then the local hard drive.  The bootable disc is helpful if you want to just try the Linux system but while you have it running testing on the old computer, I am able to search the computer and retrieve the photos.  There have been many PC's that people have asked me to work on.  The number 1 thing that I am asked is if I can at least save the photo's from the affected computer, and normally I am able to help out on this.

I did a full install of Linux Ubuntu on a laptop that was giving to me by my Father-In-Law last week, I believe that laptop was maybe 3 years old and it had Windows Vista on it, the machine was very well taken care of with no hardware issues, it just had an old OS.  Since, I did that install and all of the updates which took about 30 minutes, it is working like a brand new machine.  I also acquired another laptop that is maybe 2 or 3 years old and it was an ASUS laptop.  Again, it was very well taken care of, it had Windows 7 installed on it, the only issue was that the owner needed a computer with more power for a certain program and the old ASUS just would not work correctly for him, so I left the Windows 7 installed, partitioned the hard drive, and did a dual-boot with Ubuntu and it works great so far.  Now I have 2 more working computers.  Using this system is different and I usually say that you need a little computer knowledge but it's not hard.  Most issues that I have encountered, I was able to solved simply by performing a Google search.  To re-purpose an old desktop machine and then pretty much set up it up for internet, music, and watching DVD's would be the way to go if an older person needed a basic computer.  For those people who think that using these Linux computers is just for internet only, this is not the case at all.  They are comparable to the Windows based computers as far as applications goes and I have performed some testing to see if I can really do everything that I normally do on my Mac.  So far, it's been pretty spot on.  For comparison, there is Microsoft Office which almost everyone has used and Linux has Libre Office, which will open Word, Excel, and PowerPoint; it will also save as.  I have used it and seems to work fine.  Windows uses Media Player and Linux uses VLC Media Player. There are many other programs out there that will do almost the same thing, you just have to find right one.  Of course, if your a true Microsoft Gamer, then this is not for you at all.

Now, having 2 perfectly good "newer" laptops has been much different, than using regular desktop and since I have had Oral Surgery the other day and on pain medication, this is all I have done is sit in the chair and play on the computers.  Below are some screen shots of the OS.

This is the shot of my laptop.  It uses a Unity Tool Bar on the left hand side.  System information is located in the top right.

I have been using the Linux version of Chrome for a browser.

This shot show the office package.

The "my computer" or "my docs"

Friday, July 3, 2015

My First Gun

Daddy got me this gun when I was about 8 yrs old. It is so nice to shoot still today. It's a New Haven by Mossberg .410 Bolt & still looks good. Does anyone else still have their first gun?

Religion and Faith

The Bible must be read in it’s entirety, by my Faith I believe that it is the Word of God, written by men that were inspired by God, it is not meant to be picked and chosen to push ones personal belief/opinion of a subject. A lot of folks like certain verses, like God loves them, but they don’t like the ones that says God will judge sinners. I am not talking about the Gay Marriage issue that is being debated right now, but when it talks about sinners and sin, really think about what this means, most think that there are levels of sin, a really bad sin vs a small sin, a rapist vs just a plain old liar. We can’t just pick and choose what we like and disregard the rest of it. Many have tried and this is why we have many different denominations within the Christian religion and if I over think it, it can be overwhelming. A preacher told me one time, that you just have to take your brain out of your head, hang it up on the wall, and then you will be forced to believe with your heart, the Faith that comes with knowing God. I always that thought that was so simple an analogy to use when talking with someone who over thinks everything.

With everything going on in the world today, there are some things that I know for sure and it’s what I believe. Jesus is the only way to Heaven, there is a Heaven and Hell, Good and Evil, Just and Unjust Causes, Right and Wrong; this is so ingrained in me that I stand steadfast in my beliefs and there is not anything that anyone can say to change my mind, I am who I am. I’m not going to worry too much about everyone’s opinions on everything, because in the end, I am the one responsible for my family. “Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens” Psalm 119:89